Server issues are issues that Klocwork has detected in an integration build on the Klocwork Server, but that Klocwork has not detected by using local desktop analysis. In the Klocwork Issues window, click the Show local issues only icon to filter the issues list so that it only shows issues that have been found locally on the desktop and not by an integration build on the Klocwork Server. This means the issues that have only been found locally, and have not been found in an integration build on the Klocwork Server. These two issues do not have the word 'System' following the line number in parentheses. A system issue is an issue that Klocwork identified two ways: Klocwork found the issue locally by using desktop analysis, and Klocwork found the issue in an integration build on the Klocwork Server. This is indicated by the word System after the line number in parentheses: (Line 130, System).
The issue highlighted in green is a system issue.In connected desktop projects, the Visual Studio extension identifies two types of desktop issues: system issues and local only issues. Desktop issues are issues detected by the Visual Studio extension.